My spiritual journey began in 1996 when I had my first encounter with my spirit guides. I experienced a visitation and I was told that I would be traveling to the Southwestern United States to work with anchoring and restoring light frequencies of the ancient energetic grid by visiting certain archeological sites along Ley Lines points to re-activate them.
I was not sure what all this meant at first. Then events started happening that opened the doorway to the Southwest. The first place I was guided to was New Mexico. I spent one week touring archeological sites and exploring clues to why I had been called to do this work. At each of the sites I visited, I discovered answers leading me to the next site I was to work with.
This series of events led me to Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado where I had the most exciting revelation of my trip. After taking a tour of one of the cliff dwellings, I had stopped at an over look to take in the views. Suddenly I found myself in an altered state and had another visitation from the ancient ones. I looked around and saw hundreds of spirit beings emanating from the sides of the cliffs. They spoke to me in an telepathic frequency and told me that "I would continue traveling to sites to reactivate the energy that became dormant from the ancestors who had once charged the land." They said "I was now on a mission to reconnect the ancient grid to restore the connection from the ancient ones."
After this experience I knew I had work to do. I spent the next couple of years exploring other sites throughout Arizona, Utah and New Mexico working with the energies at these areas.
In 1998 I took a trip to Sedona, Arizona. I spent a week camping on the desert and exploring cliff dwellings and rock art sites in the Verde Valley. One day I was heading to a place called the Palatki ruins. On the way to the site I noticed large jagged red cliff faces approaching as I got closer. I started to feel goose bumps and all of a sudden I was having another visitation. Similar spirit beings like I had seen in Colorado surfaced from the red cliffs and telepathically informed me that this time I would be spending a duration of time working at the Palatki ruins. They said "I was called to work as a guardian to protect the site and learn from the thousands of people who were being called to visit at that time.
In the spring of 1998 I had saved up enough money to move to Sedona and took a position as a volunteer forest ranger at the Palatki Ruins for one year. This experience changed my life as I loved the experience and ended up staying for 5 years. I met so many people from all over the world and had so many exciting conversations. It was like a spiritual education that could only be achieved through experience. During this time, I studied archeology of the prehistoric cultures that had lived in the region. I learned primitive skills such as fire making, basket weaving, sandal weaving, cordage production and flint napping in order to make sense of the artifacts I was finding to understand how these cultures survived with out our modern amenities.
I spent my free time exploring other archeological sites in the area and started to experiment with photography as a way to capture the energy of these sites. Digital photography was just coming available and I began to experiment with photo processing software I had installed on my computer. I opened an image, mirrored it and suddenly I saw one of the spirit beings from my visitations appear. This had a profound effect on me. I was curious and started to wonder what would emerge from photographing other sites. I started to write down things I was seeing in the images and would go to the library to research archetypal forms, symbols, beings, ancient cultures psychology, philosophy, mythology, deities and other modalities to educate myself on what I was experiencing with the photos.
From that point on I took thousand of photographs from sites all over the North American Continent. In 2006, I launched a visual meditation with the images accompanied with music called "Chakra Journey." I continued to photograph sites I was called to activate. Now after twenty-three years of experiences I created a new tool called the "Bressani Oracle" to share with the world. It is my intention that this tool assists with the healing frequencies of the collective consciousness on the planet at this time of planetary expansion. I believe it is time for humanity to recalibrate our intuitive faculties and raise our awareness to align with the vibrational frequency of the infinite expansion.
Greg currently resides in Sedona, Arizona where he continues to express his creativity through multiple mediums such as Metal Sculpture, Charcoal Drawing, Intuitive Readings and Digital Arts.
Greg Bressani