Product Information:
Crystal Channeling Rods
How to use the Crystal Channeling Rods
The Crystal Channeling Rods can be used many different ways. I use them for meditation, healing, dowsing and grounding purposes. Energetically the Copper in the rod acts as a conduit and will start working on restoring and grounding your electromagnetic bio-field. The Quartz Crystals in the rod then broadcasts your recalibrated bio-magnetic field transmitting this energy out to the non-physical universal source energy.
Mediation: Start by getting into a comfortable position. I recommend laying down either on a bed or yoga mat. Then place one rod in your left hand and one rod in your right hand. This will activate the vibrational frequency of the rods and will start calibrating to your energy field. As the frequency starts to flow, take a series of deep breaths to ground your body and prepare to receive source energy. Through your minds eye you can communicate with the divine intelligence and call on the infinite expansion frequency stream to flow into your being. Focus on your breathing and be open to receiving information emanating from the divine mind.
The Bressani Oracle Card Deck
NOTE: Oracle card readings are available by appointment. To request a reading, send an email through the contact page for more information.