Product Information:

Crystal Channeling Rods

How to use the Crystal Channeling Rods

The Crystal Channeling Rods can be used many different ways. I use them for meditation, healing, dowsing and grounding purposes. Energetically the Copper in the rod acts as a conduit and will start working on restoring and grounding your electromagnetic bio-field. The Quartz Crystals in the rod then broadcasts your recalibrated bio-magnetic field transmitting this energy out to the non-physical universal source energy.

Mediation: Start by getting into a comfortable position. I recommend laying down either on a bed or yoga mat. Then place one rod in your left hand and one rod in your right hand. This will activate the vibrational frequency of the rods and will start calibrating to your energy field. As the frequency starts to flow, take a series of deep breaths to ground your body and prepare to receive source energy. Through your minds eye you can communicate with the divine intelligence and call on the infinite expansion frequency stream to flow into your being. Focus on your breathing and be open to receiving information emanating from the divine mind.

The Bressani Oracle Card Deck

NOTE: Oracle card readings are available by appointment. To request a reading, send an email through the contact page for more information.

How to use The Bressani Oracle Card Deck


(Guide Book)


Welcome to the Bressani Oracle!  Working with this card deck is a way to begin to consciously integrate the information and aspects of self that are keyed into by interacting with the cards.  It is necessary to understand that the information contained in this card deck sources from a dimension of high vibrational frequency that is beyond the veil of human consciousness.  Allow this vibrational frequency to flow through the cards, through you and to guide you on a journey into vibrational alignment.  By being present during these journeys, the aspects of self encountered will begin to integrate with the infinite expansion, non physical source of who you are, exposing other dimensions.    


The creation process of this card deck has been evolving for over 20 years.  I was called by my spirit guides to work with reactivating key sites along Ley line points on the planet to restore power and bring them back online.  As I photographed sites along these Ley lines on the North American continent, I began to experiment with new methods of technology from digital photography.  I started to see spirit guides from my visions in the images I was creating.  Utilizing light pixels from the digital imaging process captures light spectra in a different form than 35 milometer film.  In this way, a vibrational frequency resonates through the images to those who are ready to receive it.  Each one of the 36 cards in this deck is a mirrored image.  This symmetry works as a technology creating a language that communicates deep within our endocrine system.  The interaction of spectra with the neurotransmitters in this system causes a transduction effect translating higher frequencies into imagery that elevate deeper states of awareness for personal transformation.


 I believe we have the power to heal ourselves by recalibrating our connection to our intuitive instincts.  This card deck is a powerful tool designed to help reconnect alignment with our non-physical self allowing the vibrational frequency of the infinite expansion to broadcast through us.  Trust your intuition to guide you while working with these cards.  

Step #1. Shuffle the deck to prepare for the new reading.  As you are shuffling, ask yourself what issue, situation or life event am I seeking guidance for.

Step #2.  Spread the cards in a way that resonates with you.  Breathe, allow yourself to get grounded and focus your attention into the present moment.

Step #3. Choose a card and turn it over so the face of the card is showing.  Let your thoughts rest and allow yourself to tune into the vibrational frequency of your non-physical source energy stream to receive the information being revealed.  

Step #4. Without thinking, describe what you see. Key into the energy and let it guide you into consciously understanding the meaning of your reading.    Take notes of what you feel and observe during the reading and when you feel complete, research your notes to gather more clarification on how it applies to your current situation.  For example if you notice a zoomorphic form in the card, lets say a Bear, write it down and after the reading  research Bear  medicine by searching for its spirit totem meaning.  Pay attention to colors in the cards as they may correlate to chakra centers that may be out of balance, requiring your attention. You will be amazed at the solutions presented to you and how they apply to the current situation playing out in your life.  



 I have included the location under each of the cards to provide a reference point to where each photograph was taken. There are two ways to view the cards when you turn them over.  The intended way that the photograph was originally taken or upside down which ever way resonates with you.  Use the plates page as a guide to find the card(cards) that you selected to see the recommended alignment for each card.  Remember to trust your intuition and use the cards in your own way that feels best for you.  Enjoy!